Thank you for all of your joyful comments. Having a donor, even a mismatched one, is indeed great news. Still, I have to admit I'm personally not celebrating just yet. What if my donor changes her mind? What if something happens to her? What if my next bone marrow biopsy reveals an unexpected twist in this narrative? etc. etc. etc.
So... I knock on wood every time I share the good news.
And, I am now out of the hospital- about six days ahead of schedule. Despite everything they forewarned me about, I tolerated the chemotherapy better than average and so they let me go home early. No major illnesses attacked my paltry immune system; only small infections afflicted my body; only one fever over the course of the induction.
Knock on wood.
At home now at my Mom's apartment, we are hosting many good friends who, thinking I would still be in the hospital, scheduled themselves to come visit this weekend. Of course, I am thrilled to be out of Room F038, but mostly we are just taking it easy anyway- hanging out, unpacking my things from Boston (all the boxes- plus all of the adorable and creative cards from Fletcher folk that Samina brought), and eating home cooking. If all continues to go well (AKA, my counts continue their upward trajectory and no funky fevers or anything) I am on track to begin "conditioning" for the transplant on the 14th.
For now, here's hoping for smooth sailing!
Fingers crossed, salt over the left shoulder, and lots of knock, knock, knocking.