Tuesday, September 09, 2008


[Addendum: 9/17/08.
This is not supposed to be a political blog, so I didn't want to extend the Palin vitriol any further here. However, this piece was so resonant and thought-provoking to me that I had to share it.]

Original post: 9/9/08

When I and the nation learned of McCain's choice of running mate, I was a bit charmed by her shake-up-the-good-old-boy-establishment mission, her oratory skill, and well, the fact that she's a she.

In a matter of days though, I have grown to hate Sarah Palin. She's redundant, mendacious, and myopic. Not to mention she stands for 27 policies I disagree with. Her voice now sounds to me like screeching fingernails on a chalkboard and all I can think is: this shouting woman just got a passport last year!

If I could shout back at her, I'd say: Get off that pulpit and go home to cuddle your new baby with down syndrome and to teach your kids about birth control. Then take a few years to explore the thawed world: Brazilian favelas, Tokyo hostess clubs, Mongolian sunrises, Moroccan couscous. Then reassess what the hell you and your speech writers were thinking to mock the work of community organizers; take a moment to realize that a PTA volunteer and hockey mom is exactly that. That a politician is exactly that. Lastly I would tell her that her true calling, as anyone can see, is as a LensCrafters spokesperson and she ought to politely recuse herself from the VP race and hurry in for an audition.

This woman can take her hypocrisy and shove it where the sun don't shine.
(I'm meaning back to Alaska, you dirty mind.) Thanks, but no thanks.


Anonymous said...

You know what the saddest/craziness/makes-me-sick-to-stomach part of it is??? It's very likely that McCain will either pass away or get cancer again and therefore the chances that she honest-to-God could be President are far more likely than any VP nominee before her. GAG. I'm dying.

Thinking of you all the time!
Addie :-)

Melissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Abby said...

I got so angry that I lost my shit the night she made her speech, and Barack got a give-til-it-hurts donation because of it. He sure as hell better use it well.

And, um, one correction to your post. They weren't her speechwriters. They were George W. Bush's. Swear to God.

Gag away, gag away.

Corinne said...

damn erica. I couldn't agree more. Completely agree, though the sun does shine a little in Alaska... :)

Anonymous said...

She's like a middle-aged version of the Reese Witherspoon character in the movie Election. McCain was never any good on women's issues, and with this irresponsible choice, he is nothing if not consistent; if Obama can't landslide him come November, the Dems should just close up shop. BTW, the appearance of Lieberman at the RNC proves that Ralph Nader was right all along - that there is no significant difference between the two major parties. Perhaps if Gore had won in 2000, there would be no Obama candidacy, and Joe and Hillary would have been the ones vying for the nomination, making it even less likely that the Dems would win.

Anna San Pedro said...

As long as wer're venting, you know who else makes me mad? Elizabeth Hasselbeck!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that your comments "still posted" are all against McCain/Palin. I'm wondering......was the "deleted" comment from someone who was, perhaps, for McCain/Palin?? Hmmmmm....perhaps you'll delete this one, too.

Melissa said...

No, the deleted comment was from me and it was accidentally deleted. I will repost it here:

AMEN SISTER--you managed to put perfectly what I have been trying to express for the last two weeks.


Anonymous said...

I could not agree more, Erica! I absolutely loathe, despise and abominate that woman!!! She is certainly no friend to the animal rights community, being that she wants to single-handedly wipe out Alaska's wildlife. She wants to drill oil until every last non-human inhabitant is gone. Hell, she is making Cheney look like Al Gore. She wants to set women's rights back 100 years. I hate that the stupid neocons (oops, redundant) think they can woo Hillary supporters with that bitch. The only thing that she and Hillary have in common is their genitalia. If that evil NRA card bearing, book-banning, bible-thumping, animal slaughtering monster becomes the first female president, I think I will have to jump off a bridge. When she insulted Barack and his community organizing, I threw my shoe and the T.V.
Oh, I did see a fabulous bumper sticker, though: "What's the difference between Sarah Palin and a pitbull?... My pitbull is fixed!" Pitbulls are also sweet, loyal and SMART!

Erica said...

Just FYI... I've never deleted a comment on this blog. And I was a little overwhelmed by the consensus on Mrs. Palin. Please- if you have a dissenting view- voice it!

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

I usually don't get political...
...but Palin is nuts. I disagree with her on so many things.
You'll probably like this cartoon one of my blogger pals drew of her.

Anonymous said...

While I don't agree with Palin's stand on most of the issues, I'm very disturbed by the comment that she should go home and cuddle her baby. Are you suggesting that she shouldn't be in politics/working/have a career because she's a mother? And as far as her teenage pregnant daughter goes, perhaps she did practice birth control but it failed....other than sterilization, I can't think of any method of contraception that is 100% effective. And if I'm not mistaken, Obama has gotten on board with the idea of drilling in Alaska. Let's stick to the issues.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oops, I screwed up my first post! Too advanced for me...
I think you can clearly separate the issues slams from the personal slams, and it's a free country...both are allowed. However, if Palin could actually implement every policy she would like, many of which have an impact on women, she would have no choice but to stay home and cuddle babies, so why should she not lead by example?

Anonymous said...

One of the most compelling reasons to vote against McCain/Palin is the current precarious division on the Supreme Court. John Paul Stevens is 88 years old, and will likely retire soon after Bush leaves office. All it will take to turn back the clock to the bad old days is one more justice in the mold of Scalia, Thomas Alito and Roberts.

Abby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Abby said...

FYI: http://www.womenagainstsarahpalin.blogspot.com/

This is a collection of over 100,000 letters written in response to an email that went out less than 10 days ago, from women, in response to Palin's nomination. It's fascinating, especially the letters from the octogenarians!


P.S. Feel like I should tell you (and the lonely McCain/Palin supporter) that the above was my delete - I misspelled octogenarian.

Anonymous said...

LensCrafters spokesperson. Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Where's Ross Perot when you need him anyway? His ears could deflect the glare from Palin's glasses.

That woman's eyes remind of a horse when it spooks - eerie.

Staying anonymous in case Perot's got any supporters still out there.

Unknown said...


I donated $100 to Obama right after Palin's RNC speech was over.

Jonathan said...

I didn't spend enough time on this blog, but I wish I had. This post perfectly expressed the surprise of the nation at Mrs. Palin. But it was so much better written than so much else that was out there. You wrote very well, and we're lucky to have had the chance to read your thoughts.