It’s funny how a day can get away from you when all you’re doing is watching your sister sleep and slipping through pages in a magazine… sorry for not posting yesterday.
Her counts have been following their rising pattern getting her ANC to 600! This meant that yesterday was the first day since her BMT that she was able to venture outside her room. We strolled around the nursing stations and circled the floor a total of three times yesterday—slight liberation, but one step closer nonetheless.
She is still a bit loopy from her meds although they are lessening her dosages one by one. Ideally, she will be more coherent and even start eating. Since she straight-up refuses to eat the food at Stanford Hospital, I am home making spaghetti… (funny side story: as a nurse was walking out of the room yesterday, she asks Erica, “Is there anything else I can get for you?” and she says, “How’s your spaghetti?” The nurse is utterly confused by the question, so Erica follows up with “You make a good spaghetti sauce.” My mom and I can’t help but laugh at the confusion… Nurse: “I do?” Erica: “Yea.” Nurse: “uhm.. [looks to Mom and I for support, we offer none.] I make good spaghetti?” Erica: “Yea.” She seems slightly flattered but unsure how her patient would know her culinary abilities… Finally, we step up and interject that we will be happy to make Erica spaghetti and Flustered Nurse exits.) So, I’m home making spaghetti.
In order to break out of E131, Erica needs her counts to be higher, to be able to eat sufficiently, and no longer require IV pain medication. It is so good to hear that her counts are rising meaning her new marrow engrafted!! So now, we wait….
When I get to the hospital, I will report on today’s counts and let you know how much closer we are to having her out of the hospital and back home…
p.s. E loves to check emails, even if she doesn't always respond back! So, blow up her inbox!
Hi E!
Keep up the good work. I can't wait till you really start to feel better! Love and miss you.
muchos besos y abrazos
I'm doing my engraftment dance over here! It involves a healthy amount of booty shaking, because I know E likes that. Keep fighting!
Great work! Congratulations. My prayers are with you....keep on healin'!!!
yay Erica! good to hear about the progress. and to Jaci, good luck and lots of strenght, That picture of you and Erica together is so touching, I don't really have words for it!
boo rules, yay pasghetti!!
Thank the lord, the universe, positive energy and everyone ... it has engrafted!! i guess its okay to admit now how anxiously worried i was about that - no jinxing - but big woosh of relief... keeping going WBCs! much love to judy, jackson and beaker xoxoxo
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