Saturday, May 03, 2008

Day 3a: Hericales

Folks, we have a little Hercules on our hands. Two days ago this young woman was lying in a stupor from a BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT, so much out of touch with reality that Obama could have won the election and she wouldn’t have even batted an eye. She might have even thrown up when waking up to hear the news.

But today, my dear readers, today, was even better than yesterday (take that Ice Cube!). Despite an ever sorer mouth, which has caused the PC of the PCA to go to a continuous drip (with a little PC for extra flavor), Erica's medicated-induced sleep was interrupted by her own body’s desire to stay awake! It probably did not hurt that she got platelets, which tend to cut down on bleeding and give her a bit more energy. And, because of all these waking hours, our newly-dubbed Hericales carried out 12 labors as a penance for not being able to sleep as much today. And much like Hercules, Hericales can only be seen as being great for having carried out these 12 labors:

1) Took a shower
2) Started a crossword
3) Wrote some emails
4) Ate applesauce
5) Watched an episode of Heroes
6) Made a few phone calls
7) Sang the entire “Yes We Can” song
8) Learned to use MOSSESS
9) Untangled herself in record time from a mob of cables (aka IV lines) that look worse than what you would find behind your television
10) Used up an entire bottle of saline solution from rinsing
11) Got out of bed at least a half-dozen times.
12) Did 15 minutes of physical therapy with a Thera-Band (!!!)

Even though she completed these Herculean tasks, she still needs your lovin’ as the road only gets tougher during roughly the next two weeks. So, please write!!!

Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Attn: Erica Murray, E131
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305


Saba said...

damn girl! that's more than I get done in a week at Le Fletch...

(this is Saba by the way)

WUCREW News said...

Thank you for the detailed updates for us dedicated readers and for the address!!! We will be sending a care package for you all soon.
GO TEAM ERICA!!!! I am walking 8 miles tomorrow, dedicating my training for the Breast Cancer 3Day to Erica and her faithful team!!!

Sac State Friends

Anonymous said...

Hi Erica:

I did the 5k run/walk for women's cancer last Saturday and proudly wore your name. We raised millions of dollars - alas, not one perfect "real good donor".
Cathy tells me that Jaci is back, I am sure you are happy to have her. I will be up in Burlingame next Saturday, I understand the rules about visitation - so accept my prayers, hope and love for you.
Keep it up - things are working